Each year, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment presents the Kansas Health Champion Awards to individuals and organizations that put forth an exceptional effort to model, encourage, and promote fitness in Kansas. For 2014, Thrive Allen County was awarded...
You can now help to support Thrive Allen County when you shop online at Amazon.com. Amazon offers a program called “AmazonSmile”, in which shoppers can designate a non-profit organization, such as Thrive, to receive 0.5% of whatever you spend at Amazon....
The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City highlighted the work they’ve done with Thrive Allen County in this infographic: The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City is proud to support Thrive Allen County in its effort to eliminate barriers and...
Thrive Allen County has been awarded a $100,000 Healthy Living grant from the Kansas Health Foundation to develop the Lehigh Portland Rail Trail in Allen County. This new trail system will include walking and biking trails similar to the Prairie Spirit Trail and the...
This week, City of Iola crews installed the first sharrows in Allen County. A “sharrow”, short for “shared lane arrow”, is a roadway marker that serves several purposes. For people driving cars, it serves as a reminder to expect bicycle traffic...
ThriveWorks is a quick look at what’s been going on with Thrive Allen County — our work, our projects and programs, and the communities we serve. Here is some of what Thrive has been working on in January 2014: Navigating The Health Insurance Marketplace...
Thrive’s mission is to support and encourage programs, policies and resources that promote access to healthcare, healthy lifestyles, and positive community conversation that improves the well-being of residents of Allen County, Kansas.