Portland Alley Marathon 2012

Portland Alley Marathon 2012

The 1st annual Portland Alley Marathon is scheduled for November 3rd, 2012. Individuals and teams (4 or 8) welcome. Register online now at portlandalleymarathon.eventbrite.com, at the Thrive office in Iola or at the Chanute Area Chamber of Commerce in Chanute....
Annual Thrive Awards Nomination 2012

Annual Thrive Awards Nomination 2012

Awards for Excellence in Health and Wellness, Recreation and Education Thrive Allen County makes annual awards for excellence in the areas of health and wellness, recreation, and education.  The purposes of the awards are: To recognize excellence by people and...
Walk With Ease

Walk With Ease

Walk with Ease was developed as a walking program to encourage people with and without arthritis to get started walking and stay motivated to keep active.  The program is designed to be done either on your own, or by participating with a group of walkers.  The Model...