Have you seen the new Allen County Bike Share bikes on the downtown Iola square? Thrive Allen County, in partnership with Velo+, has purchased 10 bikes for this pilot program. The bikes are located outside of Thrive Allen County and Wavefire Games and are available free-of-charge for 24 hours to anyone who can show an i.d. to employees within either of the two organizations. If the pilot program is successful, Thrive hopes to grow the bike share into other Allen County townships. We want to encourage as many people as possible to get on a bike, explore our community (including our beautiful trail systems) and enjoy getting some exercise. The bikes have already been used for trips to the disc golf course, for joyriding around town, and for transportation to healthcare appointments. What will you use the Allen County Bike Share for?
April 15th, 2025: WE CARE Trauma Informed Care Summit
Join us on April 15th, 2025: WE CARE Trauma Informed Care Summit. Register for the event today! EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS...